
Closest Airport is Zurich

Hotel is called Berghotel Sterna. By car about 2 hours from the airport (directions here)

Public Transportation on Google Maps from the Airport (approx. 2 hours and 40 minutes) directions here

 If you are planning on taking public transportation, please review the timetable ahead of time and review the options available to purchase your ticket:

 Zurich Airport to Zurich HB:

Tickets for the train ride from Zurich Airport (Flughafen Zürich) to Zurich HB can be purchased online or at the station.

Zurich HB to Chur:

Tickets for the long-distance train journey from Zurich HB to Chur can be purchased online or at the station.

Chur to Rhäzüns:

For the commuter train ride from Chur to Rhäzüns, you can buy tickets online or at the station.

Rhäzüns to Feldis/Veulden:

Tickets for the gondola lift from Rhäzüns to Feldis/Veulden can be purchased online or at the station.

Once you arrive at Feldis station, the hotel is about a 5 minute walk away. Directions can be found here.

 More information can be found via the hotel website:

Feel free to contact the hotel if you have specific questions regarding how to get to Berghotel Sterna.

Telephone  +41 (0)81 655 12 20