Fate and Destiny: Reach Your Destiny

In our spiritual awakenings, the relationship between fate and destiny can feel like a tug of war, but actually, they work to help one another when we understand them.

Fate and destiny can best be understood like a movie. Our various timelines are a sea of scripts on the director's table, each one with the same thematic content, but with varying ways that this plot unfolds. On the table is one, golden script. This script is where the director has executed the resolution of themes in the most artful and optimal way. Our fate is that thematic content. Our destiny is this golden script.

Everyone is bound to fate; these thematic elements that play out. Our fate provides a structure, even a buffer, that keeps us in line with our life’s path. Fate contains within it experiences, both beneficial and detrimental, that lead us through our lessons, trials, and the discovery of our gifts. It is this life’s predetermined structure. Fate, in thematic form, is guaranteed. You cannot have a life without fate, without this structure. Like any good dramatic theme, it has a purpose, to guide us toward connecting with our essence.

Fate is not causal it can only compel. What this means is it doesn’t cause anything to happen. Even though it looks as though it does. Because fate is a pattern. It is the conditions to create the perfect storm, it is the ingredients to create a given recipe. It is not the recipe itself. It is the momentum behind a pattern that supplies us and guides us through our life path.

The spiritual science that rules over fate is astrology. Fate is omnipresent. It’s our companion but it doesn’t override us. It’s the conditions that energetically make up our incarnation.

And yet at the same time is can be changed in an instance. A being can line up with an entirely other fate if the momentum that is fueling their patterns changes course in a drastic way. And if they line up with an entirely different fate the stars would reflect this new course as well.

Fate are the building blocks-destiny is what you create with the building blocks.
Which means fate is not fated. Per the ancient wisdom the stars do not bind us they incline us.

Destiny, on the other hand, is not guaranteed nor predetermined. Destiny is the most optimal expression of our essence. Not every timeline has a destiny. In a sea of timeline scripts, destiny comes in on that rare instance where free will is expressed and the realm of Dharma is accessed. 

Free will is a byproduct of discernment. The reason people think that free will is an illusion is because fate-which is linked to the force we know as karma-already has a past, present and future set up for them. While destiny requires us to step into our free will. ⁣

When people can observe this predestined trajectory, they mistake it for meaning that free will is an illusion. Discernment is required for a being to continue to evolve past this threshold called fate. ⁣

Destiny comes from our creative interaction with fate. It manifests when we draw upon the raw materials of creative energy from the universe in order to shift out of the inevitable forces that guard our fate. As we grow and develop, our destiny is given the possibility to unfold, but we must consciously choose this possibility. Without an interest in consciousness, a being cannot even have destiny as a possibility of that life’s experience.

It’s important to note that, in mysticism, there is a lower experience of our life: the mechanical sphere. The mechinal sphere is also known as the general law because it is the level of reality where everything appears in its most random, general, and robotic form. This is a life where a person, completely unconscious, is subject to their environmental and circumstantial programming in such a way that it interferes with their internal guidance system and they become disconnected from their fate. So disconnected from their fate, they lose their innate essence.

Fate, destiny, and the mechanical sphere all function within our level of consciousness. The mechanical sphere is the lowest interaction with or deepest disconnection from consciousness, and destiny is the highest interaction with and most creative connection with consciousness. The more we connect to source, the more we are able to use our resources rather than be used by them.

There are two setups for a timeline, an unconscious and a conscious one. The unconscious timeline is when a being is drawn to karmic experiences without any conscious participation or use of free will. A conscious timeline is where a being opts into experiences to increase their awareness, resolve karma, and move into a higher timeline.

From the heights of our most optimal timeline (destiny) to the very depths of unconsciousness (the mechanical sphere) fate remains the consistent structure that points us to our essence. We carry our essence with us from life to life to be developed. This is the heart of mysticism and esotericism, to develop our essence, to become more fully acquainted with it and, ultimately, achieve our destiny.

We can utilize the framework of our fate in a conscious way to achieve our destiny.

Essentially, as we tune into the structure of our life and become a conscious observer and then consciously interact with this basic plotline, we have the opportunity to create. As conscious directors, we can call in experiences that are for our greatest potential. We can connect to source consciousness for inspiration and align our actions to our most optimal selves. When we do this, we get aid from the universe to create scenarios to resolve and move through our life’s themes in fatalistic, creative, and even entertaining ways.

As we raise our consciousness, we can pay attention to the structure of fate. We can notice the themes and use them to our advantage. When we interact with our fate on a conscious level, we are able to tune in more easily to our destiny. Our conscious participation takes us into closer and closer alignment with our destiny.

We can be actors being directed, merely fulfilling the line or we can be directors, helping the story unfold.

As directors, we have the opportunity to edit our lives, narrowing our field to that which is most aligned with our highest potential. This editing process is an exercise and therefore strengthening of our free will, to choose which way the story will unfold. As we narrow our field, we connect to our deepest truth and most creative potential. 

With our conscious and creative participation, our trials become the hero's journey of overcoming, breaking patterns and cycles, and removing karmic holds on our lives. With participation, our gifts and talents become tools to exercise our free will in creative expression that tells an artistic story, one of empowerment where we are makers of our destiny rather than subject to our fate.

This process of narrowing our field brings us into a more embodied state of awakening. As we embody our awakend state, higher potentials open up to us. We can then create with those higher potentials to bring about, through our own creative power, the most optimal timeline.

We are always bound to our fate. It is set, even in a completely unconscious, mechanical sphere where our will is forsaken and we are being acted upon. But, we are not guaranteed our destiny. Destiny we must choose. 

Yes, we can live a fulfilled life of fate, but without our conscious creation with source, we will fall short of accessing the most optimal and fantastic timelines, the one where everyone is on the edge of their seat watching as the hero traverses the challenges, overcomes them, and bringing about their own deux ex machina. 

Our fate is set by the stars, but we can intervene within the parameters of our fate to create our destiny. This is the true meaning of the ancient axiom “The stars do not bind us, they incline us.”


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