Experience the Higher Dimensions and Spiritually Awaken from Deep Within…

Are you Feeling a Hunger to Connect with Your Higher Self?

I think that we can all agree that the world we’re living in has disconnected from the core of human nature. We are in a period of collective transition and the ways in which the world is changing challenges our freewill and ability to connect with our higher-consciousness.

Are you looking around at what’s going on in the world wondering what’s going on?

Have you seen through this reality and hope to connect with a group of like-minded individuals deepening their spiritual awakening and self-mastery?

Do you want to get in touch with your intuitive gifts and open your psychic ability?

Our alchemy retreat is specifically designed to deliver truth, and connection with the ancient, higher dimensional wisdom of the universe. The transformation that it takes, is the harmony and integration of the mystics divine masculine and feminine energies. Embodying these energies is absolutely vital to stepping into spiritual sovereignty. 

This workshop will highlight the role of spiritual discernment and it’s importance in unlocking ones own intuitive abilities. 

Join us as we learn about the opportunities and challenges present during the ascension process into the 5th dimension and reclaim our sovereignty.


  • Unlock your Dharma

    Discover your true life’s purpose and evolutionary psychic potential with us. Take back the freedom and sovereignty that’s being taken away from you, and own your higher dimensional self.

  • Intentionally Manifest your Reality

    Use your connection to the infinite and bountiful powers of the universe, and transform the energy around you to truly love what you manifest. Let us teach you The Alchemist’s secrets to consciously creating your reality.

  • Transcend the 3rd Dimension

    learn about the rites of passage during spiritual awakenings and the journey from our 3rd dimensional consciousness into multidimensional consciousness.

Your Retreat Facilitators

During this spiritual alchemy retreat, we are dedicated to helping you achieve deeper states of spiritual awakening and to open up your heart space with infinite love and gratitude.

Sarah Elkhaldy


Sarah is a mystic and spiritual teacher. She is widely known as a leader in the field of Spirituality and the Esoteric Arts, using her intuitive abilities as well as her extensive background in esoteric knowledge to help humanity gracefully tap into our evolutionary potential. She considers it her work to connect the higher with the lower; the outer world with the inner world. Her higher dimensional wisdom is channeled into teachings that emit frequencies designed to activate people on a soul level and awaken them to an ancient recognition of themselves and the nature of reality.

With an online community consisting of hundreds of thousands of awakening souls, it is her highest honor to assist humanity’s evolution.

Featured Workshop Leader

Susan Hassen


Susan Hassen is a quantum and shamanic practitioner specializing in higher-dimensional healing. Susan is one the most sought after and renowned energy healers in the world (this is no joke, you can muscle test it ;)

With over ten years of experience working in the quantum field, Susan teaches master classes on accessing the quantum for self-healing, connecting with the Higher Self, and the evolution of consciousness. She is also a published author and spiritual teacher who is known for guiding her following through energetic activations and spiritual awakenings.

Susan will host a rare and powerful workshop on the Quantum Field and how to meet your Higher Self in the Quantum Field.

Alchemy Retreat

Where: Sedona Arizona

When: July, 10th-14th 2025

Join us in Sedona as we open up your heart space, expand your consciousness, and deepen your spiritual awakening. This 4 Day/ 5 Night retreat is facilitated by experts in alchemy, energy healing, and the esoteric arts. With spiritual workshops, alchemy masterclasses, and mystical ceremonies, you will unlock a higher level of consciousness.

Past Alchemy Retreat Attendees have made meaningful connections that they have continued to nurture long after the retreat.

Your alchemical journey begins as you arrive into the spiritual vortex-Sedona, Arizona. Our first night together will be a time of connection, and an opportunity to get to know each other around a drum circle.


Alchemy Masterclass

“You can command nature only to the extent that you’re willing to obey her”

During this masterclass we will cover the spiritual art and science of Alchemy. This is a full day of seminar that will cover many aspects of spiritual knowledge including the 4 Hermetic arts, important esoteric terminology, The different layers of our energy field, and advanced spiritual knowledge that supports the attendees journey at this critical time..

This Masterclass is filled with ageless wisdom teachings and mystery school knowledge on various topics that are all related to spiritual awakening. It brings an inner clarity to subjects that were once too obscure or foreign to fully understand. One of the topics that will be covered is how cosmic consciousness structures our reality, which gives us the ability to leverage this wisdom toward our own creative evolution, manifestations and spiritual sovereignty. 

Alchemize Through Shadow Work & Satsang

“Know thyself and you shall know the Universe and the Gods”

Shadow work is making conscious what is unconscious within the individual. 

It is the practice of becoming aware of the overarching themes in our life, psychic and emotional wounds, triggers, invisible needs, archetypal equivalents, buried trauma, disempowering attitudes and patterns.

The ascension process is the elevation of our subtle bodies onto a higher level of consciousness, or version of reality. This includes shifting our whole being into a different phase of consciousness. This process includes all of our bodies: the physical, emotional, mental, etheric and spiritual. 

The reason shadow work is vital to the ascension process is because there’s no lasting transformation or transcendence when a being is unaware of themselves.

Let us guide you through this journey.

Connect With Your Higher Self in the Quantum Field

In this workshop, Susan Hassen will teach you how to access the Quantum Field to meet your Higher Self and how to work with quantum energy to use it for healing and strengthening your connection with your Higher Self. This workshop will cover how to alter your brainwave states to access the Quantum Field along with a guided meditation into the Quantum. Participants will be transformed by activating their quantum heart portal and accessing new techniques that will allow them to interact with higher dimensional energy at all times.

Open your Heart Center with Cacao

Cacao is used in sacred medicinal rituals, where intentions are set and once consumed, euphoric states are unlocked, and we are able to connect to ourselves at a deeper level.

Cacao ceremonies have dated back for thousands of years, originating all the way back to Mayan traditions in Central and South America, used for spiritual, medicinal and ceremonial purposes for inner awakening and spiritual guidance. Pure cacao is used as a heart opening medicine for people to safely experience awakening, insight and inner healing, which is what we will facilitate during our ceremony.

Sound Bath

This is an unforgettable sound experience for those who seek deep relaxation, rejuvenation, and introspection. You will be resting comfortably while a sequence of quartz crystal singing bowls are played.

Each bowl is keyed to the energy centers or chakras of the body, where sound is nutrition for the nervous system. The results are waves of peace, heightened awareness, and relaxation of the mind and body.


You will be integrating this retreat for the coming weeks and processing the teachings, revelations and wisdom gained through this experience.


  • Specialized Sound Bath + Audio Recording for attendee to take home

  • Hike at Cathedral Rock + One of the most Powerful Energy Centers

  • Group Lunches, and Group Dinners on July 11th, 12th, and 14th

  • Spiritual Alchemy Workshops with Sarah Elkhaldy - The Alchemist

    • Alchemy + Hermetics Masterclass

    • Shadow Work Workshop

    • Authentic Cacao Ceremony

    • Exploring the Quantum Field with Susan Hassen - Spiritual Healer

  • 1 Rare Alchemical Elixir

  • Group Dinner at Chocolate Tree

  • Custom Alchemy Folder


  • Flights to and From Sedona

  • Hotel Stay

  • Meals, outside of those outlined above

  • Transportation to the Opening Ceremony


  • Want to Deepen Their Spirituality Awakening

    This retreat is an opportunity for you to strengthen and build on your current spiritual journey, and teach you the next steps to ascension.

  • Interested in Spiritual Alchemy

    Spiritual Alchemy transmutes core wounds, core beliefs, soul loss, and other self-destructive personality structures in order for you to live freely and unobstructed. Existing in “pure being,” or soulful awareness is the ultimate state of transformation – the gold – of spiritual alchemy. It attempts to restructure your personality and the various levels of attachment, avoidance, and identification you possess. This retreat is for people who want that.

  • Are Open-Minded

    This retreat is going to cover topics that may be considered fringe spirituality to some. If you are someone who is comfortable with deep diving into heavy, spiritual and alchemical teachings, and you’re jumping into spirituality without fear, this is the retreat for you.

  • Alchemy Retreat

    Are Looking for the Next Step in their Spiritual Journey

    You’ve watched every single YouTube video on spiritual awakenings, and you’ve read all of the books. Now what? If you find yourself longing to deepen to your spirituality beyond the superficial stuff available on the internet, then this retreat is definitely for you.

Registration is Now Open

Ready for Your Spiritual Awakening

2025 Alchemy Retreat

2025 Alchemy Retreat

Rooms are not covered in the retreat fee and must be booked by the attendee.

The investment for this retreat is $3,333. If you are selected to participate, you will be sent an invitation with an invoice. This invoice will be active for only 3 days. If the invoice is not paid in that time-frame, you forfeit your spot.

The retreat payment is non-refundable. Due to limited available spots for each retreat, there are no refunds.

How to Register

To register for the 2025 Alchemy Retreat email us at: Alchemicalenergyhealing@gmail.com

Subject line: Alchemy Retreat